Oral test
Today is somehow a tiring day, but also an enjoyable one ^^, i went to school only today because of my oral test, which is for my upcoming test next year. After finishing my oral test, the whole form 4 was invited to this college, well the lecture was boring and all, but me and meh fwens were makin fun out of da lecturer (he was dancing as if he's been doing it all his life XD). Then later on, i was thinkin the promise that Candice ask me to make which is, if we're both were to be single at the age of 60, we'll marry each other (lolz!). Although its kinda wierd from a girl that i hardly chat and also a girl that i've never met (yet), i laugh whenever i think about it (although i didn't say i promise). And yea life goes on, typing wat really happened today, till then wait till the next episode! =P
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